DMCA Copyright is dedicated to upholding the intellectual property rights of others and requires its users to do likewise. We adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other relevant copyright regulations, offering the following information to assist copyright owners in safeguarding their rights.
Copyright Infringement Notification
If you believe that your work has been improperly used on in a way that infringes on your copyright, please send the following details to our designated copyright agent:
Kindly submit this information to our designated copyright agent at:
If you believe that your content was mistakenly removed or that access to it was wrongly disabled, you may file a counter-notification. To be valid, your counter-notification must include the following:
Please send this information to our designated copyright agent at the address listed above.
Repeat Infringers reserves the right to terminate user accounts found to be repeat offenders of copyright violations. If we receive three valid copyright infringement notices concerning a user’s content, we may proceed with account termination.
Please Note
The provided information is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice. For tailored guidance on any legal issues or questions regarding copyright infringement, it is advisable to seek the counsel of a qualified attorney. Their expertise will help you navigate specific situations and provide accurate, customized advice in line with the complexities of copyright law.
It is crucial to personalize the contact information and other details to meet the specific needs of your website and ensure compliance with legal requirements. Consulting with a legal professional is strongly recommended to guarantee full adherence to current copyright laws and regulations. This approach promotes a safe and legally compliant online environment for your platform.